Good Morning....
Just a wee post to share a simple candle project with you today.
Our youngest son had bought me these lovely iron candleholders for Christmas... There is one on each side of the livingroom fireplace..
I keep forgetting to buy enough candles for both so yesterday I came across 2 boxes of candles that you use for emergencies... I class this as The holders were empty and needed some candles in them...
I have some prim ones at the shop but that is a long way away..
So... I dug around and found these napkins...
No, they are not very prim but will do until I can get some prim ones made....
Anyway, all you need is a brush or sponge, candles, napkins and some modgepodge....
Just make sure to separate the napkin into two layers and just use the colored one... ok?
Measure the napkin to fit your candle.. Leave some room at the top in case you want to light them ONCE ...
These are for decor alone... I will not be lighting them but one time.
Then brush the napkin with modge on the edge and fit it good then modge the rest and roll up. I had a few candle holders on the table to sit them in until they dried...
Then just put them in your holders...
These candles only cost 2 dollars for 10 . I know there are nicer napkins but that is all I had here.. Or...
You can use tissue paper.. Some with crows or stars would be nice..
All according to your own tastes...
I lit them so you could
My livingroom is not very prim.. Lots of antiques but I have carpet.. Perhaps someday we will get a wood floor...
There is my sun-sewing room over there at the end of the dining room table through those french doors..
I am AGAIN trying to organize it...
My sweet dear husband says he has never seen a woman with sooooo much stuff!!! Craft stuff that is...
What am I supposed to do? Of course, I have a lot of craft STUFF as I worked at it for over 20 years.. RIGHT???
I have packed up and lugged boxes to the Salvation Army but I still make crafts although I do need to get rid of more.....I agree to that...
I just wanted to mention that I posted about these pillows that I made on my other blog
Another easy winter project for you to do...
Anyway, my dears may you have a very BLESSED week ...
Reach out and help someone today and know that HE cares about how your week is going...
Praying that God will bless your Homes and bring you PEACE...