
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

This and That..

Hello dear hearts.. 
How are you all doing? 
We have had a lovely sunny day here in New Brunswick.. 
It sure feels like Spring and makes one think that she has arrived.. Won't be long now.. smile.. 

Just writing a little post about our doings as usual.. 
The sun has been shining in the windows and make me long for the garden so I did a few plant chores.. 
My Pregnant Onion which I love had outgrown her pot so repotted her and her many babies in a nice new home. 
It has a few specks on it so cut it down and sprayed some homemade Insecticide..
1 heavy T. Castile or pure Soap to 1 litre of spring water.. 
Place in a spray bottle.. 
I find this works really well.. 

On another day when we were at the market I bought a lovely big box of pears and made these.. 

They are so delicious with one in bowl along with a some of the juice and a bit of whipped cream.. 
Perfect ending to a supper meal.. 

Love fish meals.. 

On another day my friend Dawn and I each made this bread.. 

And sent each other pics of how it was turning out.. smile.  
Neither of us liked the apples on it but the bread was good.. 

This is a photo of an old church near where I grew up.. 

My sister sent it to me.. 
When we drove by the other day it was being renovated to be a house or something.. 
Such a shame that so many of these old churches are not being used as churches any more.. 
Matt. 24: 12-14.. 

I haven't accomplished near the chores that I hoped to... 
As always... 
I did get all of my cupboards and pantry cleaned and organized though.. 

I love blue dishes.. 
Do you?  

What do you like for breakfast.. 
Here is one of my favourites.. 

Eggs and bacon are not anything  I ever want .. 
Terry loves that .. 
Whenever I cook rice for supper I always make extra so I can have a breakfast bowl.. 
I just put a speck of oil and butter in a small fry pan.. Add some chopped peppers, onions, and here a few asparagus.. 
A shake of chili flakes and garlic powder and that is all it needs .. 
Salt and pepper.. 

Try it .. You might like it.. grin.. 
A couple of old dishes that I love.. 
I bought the mild pitcher at an antique store and my sister gave me the little salt shaker/pepper set.. 

Came across this on the web.

How true it is for me.. 

A few old books around here.. 

So that is all for tonight my friends.. 
I am afraid it is a bit mundane on here tonight.. 
Sorry about that.. 
I will try to do better next time.. 

I do have a prayer request for you who believe in the power of prayer.. 
A sweet blogger, Donna who I have learned to call friend is in need of strength and peace.. 
A very short time ago she lost her husband to cancer.. They are only middle aged and she still had two girls home with her.. 
And an older girl who with her husband and children moved home to be near her Momma.. 
Yesterday, I received the saddest email from her requesting prayer for her and her family. Her sweet Julie had been killed in a car accident on her way to college.. 
My heart so goes out to her... 
She said her heart was shattered and only Jesus was holding her together.. 
So thankful she has faith in God.. 
He alone can give her the peace and strength she will need.. 
Please join with me in lifting her and her sweet family up in prayer.. 
The Dawson Family 

Thank you .. 
God bless and and hug your loved ones.. 

Thursday, February 22, 2018

A winter's day road trip and a recipe..

my favourite view ..

Hello everyone.. 
Welcome to the Blessed Hearth today.. 

How are you all doing?  
Spring is just around the corner here in Canada... 
Yesterday we woke up to an icy day.. 
Charlie (our dog) goes outside first thing each morning and as he walked across the deck he slipped since it was so icy.. He was very careful going down the steps.. Usually, when he is coming back in he just bounds up the stairs and goes sideways as he is going so quickly.. Yesterday he very slowly comes up the steps and gingerly walks across to the door.. He is so smart!  grin.. 
Then as the day went on the sun was beautiful and snow and ice was dripping everywhere.. I think it went up to 12 degrees C..

Terry is beginning to panic as Spring will be here and he still has lots of inside stuff to do.. 
I have really enjoyed this winter as the weather has been weird but not many snow storms.. So thankful!  
Of course, we could still have a few.. smile..

On Valentine's day,  we went out for a little day trip.. 
We had planned to stay home and I had planned a nice supper as we had dined out the night before.. 
We were talking and I said I was longing to see the Bay of Fundy.. 
That happens several times a year and we have to make our way there. 
He wasn't too keen but when I said I would pay for the gas then he said, "Get ready and let's go!"  grin.. 

I packed a bit of lunch (biscuit, dried fruit, cheese) and the camera and away we went.. 
Oh and we took Charles.. Always!.. 
He is always ready for a drive.. 
Just like me.. grin.. 
Of course our first stop was for a cup of Tim Horton's coffee and away we went.. 
We decided to go by way of the farm instead of down to Sussex..
Everything was well there..
Just waiting for Summer and our company.. grin..  
Onward we go... 

This old barn is beginning to fall down.. 
It makes me sad when we pass so many of them where the wind and weather are slowly destroying them.. 
Love old barns.. 

We stopped and had a snack and let Charlie run around some.. 

This is in Caledonia Mountain.. 
My Gramp was born and raised here..  

A bit of folk art... smile.. 
Lots of  snowmobile and ATV trails everywhere up there.. 

The Bay of Fundy is only a half hour from our old farm when we are there in the summertime..
There it is ... 
The beautiful Bay of Fundy in all of it's winter splendour!.. 

Here is the first little town called Riverside Albert... 
A pretty little place.. 
In Albert County.... smile.. 
A lovely old school, I think.... 
Then onto to Alma... 

The winter is almost gone and pretty soon there will be tourists here everywhere.. 

The ice and snow will be gone .. 

And the freshest of breezes will blow across the beaches.. 
I told Terry my eyes were not full yet and to just wait a bit.. 
The poor man is so patient with me.. 

All good things must come to an end and so we headed homeward.. 
Drove to Sussex and had supper.. 
Not fancy.. Just take out.. 

It was a lovely day and I am so blessed to still have this man beside me for all these many valentine's days.. 
Thank you, Lord.. 

Next day we are back to normal.. 

Making meals.. 
We only have pasta once a week now so I always want it to be good.. 
I so love pasta... 
This is a recipe from a dear friend that I have had since childhood.. 
She makes it for our church potlucks and shared the recipe with me.. 
I know she won't mind you having it.. 

Macaroni Casserole by Evelyn... 
1 pound of hamburger 
1 chopped onion 
1 can of mushrooms (drained) or a cup or two of fresh sliced one.. 
Fry this all up together.. 
Cook up at least 1 cup of macaroni 
2 cans of cream of mushroom soup and half a can of milk each..
Mix all together in a casserole dish. 
(I seasoned this with a bit of garlic and a few hot pepper flakes) opt.
Sprinkle with paprika and bake in a 350 degrees F. oven for 20 minutes.. 
Terry really likes this casserole as well as me..
A salad goes very well with this meal.. 

My buddy keeping me company as I pudder around with my layered journal.. 

You may have seen the two above pics before.. 
I think my sister may recognize something there.. smile.. 
This is the base for the latest pages I am doing.. 
I loved the layered journals.. 
Do any of you journal?  
Here is the link to my Pinterest Journal page. 

Well dear hearts this is all for tonight.. 
On Saturday, I will be visiting our daughter and the group of ladies call R.E.A.L.  at the Mission Point Church in St. John.. 
Making and doing a couple of fun things.. 
I know you would be welcome if you are in the area.. 

Hope you all have a grand weekend and will chat with you all later as the Lord wills.. 

Thanks for all your sweet comments on the rather long valentines posts last week..
Praying for all the sad things that happen in our world.. 
Good things, too... 

Praising the Lord for the example of Rev. Billy Graham and the impact he made upon the lives of so many people.. 

Thankful for the hope we have in Jesus.. 
He is a good God.. 

Have a great weekend, my friends.. 


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day...

Hello Ladies... 
Hope you all had a lovely day... 
This is all for this year's Valentine's Day.. 
Just a few web finds.. 

Will share my lovely day with you later.. 

Thank you so much for sharing your sweet comments with me each day and for being such faithful followers of the blog.. 

May the rest of your week be wonderful.. 
God bless.. 