
Sunday, August 15, 2021

A short August post...

Hello dear hearts:  
Just a few pics for you today!
A sooner but much shorter post..

First of all I want to thank you for all the prayers for Terry! 
He is doing better... 
Gaining strength everyday !
At last post we were going to the doctor the next day..
We found out he had the infection back again!! 
But we are thankful to our Lord that he is much better! 

We were out to the farm for a short day and did a few chores.  
Just taking it easy. 
Our gardens are what they are!
Things can't be helped sometimes.  

The first pic is a sweet thrift store find from earlier in the Spring.  I knew it would be sweet in that old farm kitchen!

Picked a bunch more chamomile and was excited to finally have another Borage plant..I haven't had one since our cottage by the Bay of Fundy.. the blue flowers .. 

Then a pic of my first herb bed that we planted there when we first decided to summer there instead of in St Martin's.  

And one of the old house from the truck mirror! 
One of our first planned projects was to paint that poor old house but we shall see.  At least it is still standing! 🙄
Our kids have offered to make a day of it and get it done but we shall see...

And drying horse tails for tea.. 
Same place same station as last year.. lol.. 


The pics above are just some food pics from here at home that I randomly snapped.. and not many of them.. 😉
Early morning breakfast... 
Pasta and Tuna Salad ..  an old standby   Recipe here somewhere.. 😋
My first batch of sweet green bean pickles... 
our faithful fish chowder and broccoli salad on a
Friday night. 
and a rainy day soup... 

Guess what!!
Our oldest grandson is getting married in September!!  
I can hardly grasp it!
The dear thing! 
Will share pics with you then..
She is a lovely girl! And we are happy for them both! 
Praying for God's blessing on them and their marriage..

And our darling son is coming home for a few days!
I can hardly wait! Been a year and a half! 
So thankful!! 

Laura asked me in comments about cooking Lamb's Quarters.   
Laura all I ever do with them is wash well and make sure they are not too old and tough .. 
Barely cover them with water and a good shake of salt. 
Cook till tender, drain well and serve with butter and vinegar or lemon juice.  Very plain but delicious! 
And if you Google ...The Kitchette recipes you will find her Banana Brownies recipe ... 

Well this is all for today dearies! 
 Not much for sure but will do more soon .  
Made some new jams and such which I will share with you next time.  
Take care of yourselves and your sweet families! 
Hope I hear from you here or on Facebook or Instagram! 
And I love your emails... 

A pic from an Instagram post last week .  

CHECK me out there ..

Just one of our drives where I picked the roses.. 
for the syrup.. 

And a couple of pics that caught my eye from the web.. 

I may have shared them before as they are on this old computer.. smile.. 
and a wee reminder.. 💗


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Farm Post number 5/2021

Hello everyone... 
Here I am finally... 
It has been over a month and I am sorry for that.. 
I guess life happens to us and sometimes we are waylaid!
I am so happy you dropped by though.. 
Hope all is well with you in whatever part of the world you are in.. 

As you know it is summer here in Canada and we  have been blessed with a pretty good one! 
Lots of rain which I think is much better then last year when it was so dry... 
Well, we could chat about the weather all day but I had best get on with this post.. 

This is a farm post perse so we will go to that.. 
My Lavender came back for the fourth year and I was so happy that my Chamomile came back for the second year and has spread here and there through out the bed.. 

This was my first picking!  
It is tied up in bunches and hanging from the old beams in the porch.. 
Hopefully, I will get a few things made with it this year.. 
I am really wanting to make some soaps... 
Time will tell.. 
The thing about being our age is that the wonderful hopes and dreams you have for projects and such just do not always materialize as you hoped they would.. 
Nevertheless, we do what we do.. 

The cows are doing wonderful as you can see... 

We were pretty happy being able to pick some lettuce and such.. 
Making salads with buttermilk dressing for lunch.. 

    When we arrived on this particular day I checked the freezer and found a lovely ham bone and ham that needed used up.. 

    It tasted rather good with the salad... 

    This post is actually for the month of July.. 
    I took lots of pics but just couldn't seem to get a post put up.. 
    So these pics are kind of a hodge podge of our days up there..

    Usually on the way to the farm I am scouting the ditches and such for a fresh bouquet or two for the farm table.. 
    Terry told the grandsons one day at a gathering that the worst thing about Grandma getting here cataracts removed is that she could spy way too many flowers in the ditches now!  😏 

    One of the loveliest things of summer are the fresh flowers.. 
    I think on this day it was raining or something so I was happy to find them growing against the house.. 

    I was not sure if I had posted this pic here.. 
    I do try to change the curtains and such each summer but it did not get done thus far..  

    Actually, I think I did post it perhaps because I did put that little piece of border in.. And there are my pickles.. grin.. 

    Oh well.. 
    Terry was weeding the garden and picked a pail of weeds for dinner.. 

    Lamb's Quarters..  

    And I made a batch of new rolls from a recipe that my sweet sister
    had given me..  

    Here is the recipe.. 
    Just a screen shot from my phone but you can google it.. 

    They are delicious and so easy to make.. 
    You do not taste the banana very much but I think it keeps them nice and soft longer then regular ones... 

    Another farm meal.. 

    For some reason when we are at the farm we eat the comfort foods that Terry loves.. 
    I love them too but you know me and my love of creating something a bit different.. 
    I am sure I have told you about Dustin and Terry saying ... 
    Oh, she ruined the chicken again!!  
    A standing joke with them two.. 
    I told them they just didn't appreciate the finer things of life.. 😀

    This is Terry's favourite meal of all time, I think.. 
    Hamburger Gravy and Mashed.. 
    Our grandsons love this too.. 
    We don't have it only about once a month but it is good when we do.. 

    Actually, Shonda is the only one with similar tastes in food as her mother.. The boys are like their Dad and like ordinary but delicious food... 

    Here is the recipes I promised you from Shonda's visit.. 

    Sorry about the messy page.. I used it often, I guess.  
    Please note the added and very important ingredient handwritten of 4 cups of spinach.. Baby spinach is nicer.. 
    This is from a cookbook I put together quite a few years ago to raise money for missions..

    And here is the link for the tenderloin from Kraft.. 

    Hope you enjoy... 

    We took a few drives as always.. 

    These were a bunch of moss roses growing up by the windmills.. 
    Aren't they simply glorious.. 
    I dried a lot of blossoms.. 

    And this is my sweet husband doing my bidding.. grin.. 

    This was a flower gathering day.. 
    He has always been so dear about picking them for me.. 
    He didn't think I should be on the rough ground with my foot condition and now he says he does a better job.. 
    Which he does.. 😙
    Here they are all tied up and drying.. 
    Hope to make a potpourri and really they just pretty up a rather shabby space.. 

    A few flowers on the deck but we haven't been there enough this past while to do much.. 
    Feel kind of bad about that but you can only do what you can do, right!!

    I have a story to tell you about this pic.. 

    I probably should have taken one of the apple tree but nevertheless I will share it with you.. 
    He (the dear man) just finished doing some pruning and such.. 
    There are two wild apple trees out back quite close together and I had found at the end of someone's driveway and nice old wicker seat for two.. 
    It was put between the trees and would have been sweet if he had got around to tying it down with a couple of sticks stuck in the ground and tied to the bench.. 
    Well, he didn't get to it and the winds up there can be fierce and almost every time we got there the bench was upside down.. 
    He would get to it in time, you know!  Yup! 
    Well, I happened to look out the back door after we had been there awhile and thought I was seeing things.. 
    In that short time he had pruned those precious old trees.. 
    They were just wild ones that had come up there and really of no value except that they were so lovely to look at.. 
    One tree was not so bad but the other one!!!!
    It looks exactly like a "V"! 
    I kid you not!! 
    The beautiful little shapes that they were had disappeared and all that was left on one was this V shape.. 
    I went to the door and screeched (yes, I did) at him what was he doing?? 
    Just pruning!! 
    I yelled that he might as well cut it down.. 😒 

    Before you judge me too harshly let me tell you that this was not our first rodeo with this type of thing ..but I digress... 
    He came in finally and I told him it looked just like a V!! 
    I know he says... I did it for you because you are always making the peace sign!! 

    Soooo... what is a girl supposed to do.. 
    It wasn't the first time he has cut something down he wasn't supposed to .. Like the roses but never mind.. 
    It won't be the last time! 
    It is not to my credit that we have laughed about it a dozen times!! 

    As I said we have had a lot of rain and not been out to the farm enough and the gardens are not his usual pride and joy.. 

    But we will get what we get and really I did way too much last year and have lots left over... 
    I do want to can some beans and peas and a few pickles, though.. 
    How are your gardens doing?  
    You girls down south have been canning for a month or more now..
    I did do up a bunch of strawberry jam as ours were pretty well depleted.. 

    As always here are some things I cooked or baked.. 

    Banana Blondies from @thekitchette on Instagram.. 
    I boiled the icing too long but they were so moist and delicious! 
    A Sunday afternoon treat one Sunday.. 
    Greek salad which I didn't make but was served at The Diplomat in Fredericton on anther day trip we took.. 

    Then my all time loved Sampfire Greens.. 

    We only had this one batch of them as we missed them, I think.. 
    I stopped by the Green Pig again this morning but they didn't have any.. At least we had a taste.. 

    this is the reason I have not been able to get on here to chat with you.. 

    He was sick for several weeks without actually telling me that he had a problem.. 
    I knew he wasn't feeling well as he was not himself . 
    Then when he got so sick I had to take him to Emergency the infection he was suffering silently with went to his blood stream.. 
    He was doing much better but he is not back to normal.. 
    We would be thankful for your prayers.. 
    He will probably not appreciate me on here saying anything but you girls have been with me a long time.. 
    So, of course I am sharing this with you.. 
    We go to the doctor again tomorrow but we know the Great Physician!  So we are trusting in Him.. 
    He has met our needs many times as you know... 

    You know it is amazing how we prove that God 's promises are true.. 
    He said he would be us in the storm.. And he is.. 
    He said to lean on Him and we do and he supports us.
    He said he would give us peace and he always keeps his word..
    He said that joy cometh in the morning and it does...
    He said he would never leave us or forsake us and we are counting on that... 
    So thankful for our faithful and true God!! 
    Our Healer and Deliverer!

    So dear girls.. Thanks so much for reading this or skipping the words and looking at the pics.. 
    Just whatever!
    Thank you for your prayers that I know you will give.. 

    We are mostly here at home and our summer plans are not what we hoped but all is well..
    We get there some anyway.. 

    There is already a change in the air.. 
    Fall is coming too soon for me but whatever.. 
    I hope I get a note from you.. 
    Here, Facebook or Instagram is lovely.. 
    Take care of yourselves.. 
    God bless you.. 
    from Faye...