
Sunday, January 23, 2022

Lovely January Days

Hello everyone.. 
Welcome to the Blessed Hearth on this wintery January Sunday.. 
So happy to reconnect with you all once again.. 
The month of January has nearly passed since last we chatted.  
I must say that I have enjoyed the lovely days thus far.. 
Things are difficult and strange in our world today but here within the four walls of our home it is another winter season.. 
We have been blessed with good weather.. 
Snowy and blizzardly a few times and some bitter cold but the furnace is burning and we are puttering around doing this and that... 
Terry loves the banana rolls that I wrote about a couple of posts ago.  
So this morning before church (online as we are on lock down) I put a batch together... 
I just took them out of the oven.. 
He left to go to the wood lot for a bit so he will enjoy them when he gets back home.. 
I was looking around in a closet that I keep just for soaps and such and found a box of candles that I had made last year.. 
I kind of forgot about them unless I saw or read something about homemade candles.. 
I burned one as soon as I made them almost and was not happy with them at all.. 
Then the other day I was reading a candle feature and it said that they have to cure.. Ohhhhh..... 
So lo and behold they were right.. 
I dug one out and lit it and it works perfect.. 
You just have to keep taking your finger and smoothing the wax down so it doesn't flood itself.. 
Smells of Lavender, of course.. smile.. 

I still have a wee bit of winter decor here and about.. 
But not much.. 
Christmas is all put away and trying to rearrange a few things here especially in the kitchen and family room where we live.. 
I love a change now and then.. 
Do  you?  

We took a country drive her one day up to check on the farm.. 

We passed the brook and it was so pretty... 
Then by the time we arrived at the farm the snow was beginning... 

Terry made a fire and I picked up a few things I thought I needed here at home.. 
Some fabrics, jars and a coffee perk that our son gave me.. 
I had not used it and brought it home to try.. 
It makes delicious coffee but I think I will keep it for the wood stove out there.. 
Then this is what it was like by the time we were almost home.. 

It was a big storm.. 
I don't mind the storms and kind of enjoy them if our children are not working and travelling in them.. 
That ruins any cozy storm for me.. grin.. 
But they got to work and back just fine.. 
Thanking God every time they are protected... 

My sweet sister gave me a journal for a gift. 
I put a cover on it and am using it for ideas and projects that I long to accomplish at some point.. smile... 

I never run out of projects and ideas.. 
I just run out of energy and ambition.. 
sigh.... grin... old age.... 

I did get a few little items finished.. 

Some un-paper towels inspired by JES.. on Instagram.. 
Also .... cloth napkins... 
Love using cloth so much better then paper.. 
JES suggested just fraying the edges rather then sewing and it is a great idea.. 
I bought a very heavy sheet at the thrift store so have lots to make for my gift pantry plus a couple of runners and such.. 

In the pic above you can see this felted candle cozy on a candle.. 

This is the bag that I felted for my sister.. 
My good sewing machine is not working so I asked my new granddaughter-in-law if she would sew it together for me.. 

She has an online business making and selling her homemade bags.. 
Here is her link.. 
They are lovely and she does wonderful work.. 
She so graciously agreed to do that and voila... 
Isn't it sweet.. 
Thanks Ash!! 

The plants are doing great.. 
Haven't really slowed down a lot for winter.. smile.. 

Some afternoons I make a pot of this potpourri ready on the stove for the next morning.. 
Just to get me going.. 
Smells like Winter at Home.. 
Kinda gets me moving in the mornings... 
Are you a scent loving person?  
I am... ......... smile.. 

Here are a few cooking things that we ate this month.. 

 Catonese Salad... 
When you only have one small steak left over.. 

I tried something new... 
Turnip Kraut... 

Made it just like Sauerkraut but used grated turnip instead.. 
Our farmer told me about it and so I gave it a try ... 
It is delicious!  
And of course so good for you.. 
I had a couple of turnips that were getting a bit old as we bought a 50 pound bag and it was a great way to use them up.. 

Someone gifted us with a couple of beef tongues.. 

One day last week I boiled it up and we are having delicious sandwiches with it.. 
It looks gross perhaps but it is such a tender bit of beef you would ever have..  
I posted it on Instagram but deleted it as I figured out it is not a pretty pic to post.. grin.. 

This was a bit of fried rice and some our home canned green beans.. 
Terry was complaining a bit about all the jars he keeps taking downstairs.. grin.. 
We shop in our cold room every Monday and as the week passes the bottles empty.. dahh... grin.. 
Counting it all as blessing for sure.. 
With all that went on with our garden we really did get a lot put away... 
Terry is still doing well with good health so thanking God for that

And of course our fish chowder.. 
Once a week for sure.. 
And grain bread to soak it all up in... 

Here is one of the books I am reading in January... 
It was just published this month.. 
Laura Franz is one of my all time fave authors.. 

I found it a bit slow getting into it as I read more then one book at a time.. 
There is something about January that calls Louis L'Amour's books to me.. 
Sometimes I will read the same one several times and enjoy it as much every time.. 
What's with that?  
I am not a guy but I love them.. 

When I read books such as Laura's I keep notes on things that jump out to me.. 
Ideas ... 
like food, colours, decor, celebrations.. 
All kinds of things! 
Then when I really need inspired I will read them over and think to myself... 
Oh, I want to make those homemade crackers... 
Or ... oh, I could put together a gift of dill crackers, homemade herb cheese and a jar of pickled carrots in a basket with a homemade napkin... 
LOl..  I know... I am nuts sometimes... 

My husband would say... 
I don't have much to do... lol... 

And so dear hearts on that note I will say bye for now as my Momma always used to say... 

But look.. 
I saw this photo on the web somewhere and I saved it.. 

Doesn't that make your heart rejoice... 
Some glad morning when this life is over...
I'll fly away... 
I pray you have this hope.. 
In a world gone bonkers we can look toward heaven.. 
Our redemption drawth nigh.. 
Please make your acquaintance with Jesus soon if you don't know Him.. Just talk to Him.. Build a relationship with Him...  
He is coming back!  
Just like He said... 

Love to you all... 



  1. Faye, what a lovely post , as always.
    the world has gone bonkers lately especially here in the UK, with politics etc, but we have to just press on and do our best to ignore the bad and pray for the good.

  2. Faye, another sweet post. Glad you and Terry are doing good. Looking forward to that Day coming...Jesus is Lord and this world needs Him so bad these days. God bless.

  3. Love looking at your snowy pictures, but glad snow is rare here in Texas.

    Oh what a wonderful day that will be when we see Jesus!

  4. So glad you and Terry are doing well. I always so enjoy reading your posts. Have a great week!

  5. Another beautiful post Faye. Thank you.

  6. Oh I just love that picture. That's exactly how I envision heaven, and I so look forward to being there someday if the good lord will have me. As usual, loved all your pictures. God bless!

  7. What a beautiful post. This is why I love Blogging. Getting a glimpse of others who, like me, love the cozy comfort of home and family. Your photos are beautiful! And your meals sound delicious. Thank you for sharing the picture of the angels. I absolutely love it. Have a cozy afternoon!

  8. I love Louis L'Amour's books also. It’s been long while since I’ve read any.
    Stay safe and warmπŸ˜„

  9. Such a sweet treat to see your post. I always love the scenery I get to see on your travels and I am so happy to know that you and your dear husband are well and enjoying being together. My parents would be in their early 100's but they are in heaven now and I know as a follower of Jesus that I will get to see them again when Jesus calls me home or when he comes back. Louis L'Amour's books have been loved and enjoyed for many generations in my family. Your crafts are inspiring and the meals look most delicious. I thank the Lord for my warm and cozy home too! God bless.

  10. warm words and pictures for a very cold week!

  11. I loved reading this Faye! And your un-paper towels are just lovey! And the napkins are perfect... you found a darling sheet for it!!! Now you inspired me to make more πŸ˜‚ Also, my grandmother loved Louis L'Amour books. She didn't own a television and her box of Louis L'Amour books were her entertainment. I love that you like them too ♥️

  12. Always love stopping in for a visit with you Faye! You are always busy doing something, and always inspiring! Love your food, although the beef tongue is something I've never tried. I use a lot of my canned food during the winter too, feels soo good to use things I've grown and canned! The felt bags are just darling! You do beautiful work and so does your granddaughter, must run in the family :) I love the picture you shared... what a glorious day it will be! I just created a music video using the song "I'll Fly Away. Here is the link: May the blessings of the Lord be rich in your life dear friend, and we are praying for the Canadian truckers making their way across the country!

  13. This was very comforting for me today. I enjoyed your pictures. The fox bag is so adorable!

  14. OH, this was such a delightful post! I am so glad I discovered it this morning! You are so very talented and everything looks so inviting and welcoming. Not sure about the beef tongue...but if you say it is good I will take your word for it! LOL. Everything else certainly looks delicious! Whoa...those driving in the snow pics are something else! So glad you made it back home safely! I remember those days when we lived up north, but living here in Florida we just have to contend with the number of "snow birds" on the roads...(people from up north who "flew south" for the winter). We have been enjoying some very cold mornings in the low 20's, which is very cold for us...but no snow. Still, it feels good to do wintry things inside and feel cozy and warm. Your citrus pot pourie on the stove must smell heavenly. I should try that. This was so lovely. Thank you for sharing your beautiful home with us.
