Greetings to everyone this evening..
We have had a very rainy and windy day here today ...
A nice day to stay in and putter.. The wood fire was on and bread was in the oven..I roasted a chicken yesterday so today we had a Chicken and Wild Rice Soup..We had it once at Tim Horton's and so I decided to make my version. Terry wanted the leftovers for supper so I guess he liked it.. smile..
I worked on another bedroom.. Cleaning and decorating and the dear man was painting.. Guess what color? If you thought black then you are right...I will show you his work later.. smile..
For tonight though I thought I would show you the bedroom that I worked on...
We have 4 bedrooms .. Three are empty now except for when someone comes to visit.. They used to be full.. smile..
I wish they still were.. Oh well, don't get her going as my dear husband would say.. Do you miss your children? I sure do..
I took these pics tonight after supper so they are by lamplight.. I probably didn't do a very good job.. I am certainly not a photographer but here they are..
Not very primitive, I am afraid... Just a little country style bedroom..
A little Christmas tree trimmed with wee girls..
Can you see a couple of them?
This tray and tea set were a gift ...
I just added a touch of pine and olde Christmas cards..
Kind of a snow girl theme going on here..
A snow girl that I bought in New Hampshire and a dear little tea set from a friend..
An antique little girls coat set that Terry bought for me at an auction many years ago..
I still love it..
Here is a little swag I made ..
Little baby shoes and old photos..
I made the snowman heads from little styrofoam balls and a toothpick nose.. Just painted the balls cream, added an orange painted nose and painted the eyes and cheeks on..
I did different sizes and stuck them on different crafts..
Like this one...
I sewed up a bunch of these little stockings and embroidered different words on them..
peace, joy, love... then added the styrofoam ball and a little greenery...
And here is a pic of a dear little girl who used to live here..
Shonda was only a year old and playing her Gram's piano..
Today, she has a baby grand.. smile..
I took this last pic and was surprised how it came out..
Would you say that perhaps it is the ghost of the little girl who used to wear the little olde coat? grin..
Can you see her? smile..
Thank you ladies for your sweet visit.. So glad you dropped by..
I am looking forward to hearing from you..
Take care of yourselves and let me know what you are busy doing these days before the big day...
God bless..