
Monday, December 29, 2014

The days of Christmas...

Hello dear hearts.. 
Just a few pics sharing our Christmas days with you all.. 
We are blessed beyond measure..

 So enjoyed having a Christmas day with our all of our children and their families along with my Mother and Step-Father..

It was a great day of laughing, talking and of course our dinner.. 
Coffee and opening presents and some sweet guitar playing.. 

Grandpa was quite pleased to have a couple of our grandsons set up his tablet that he had received for his birthday.. 
I am thankful, too, as now we do not need to share this laptop.. smile.. 

Hope you are all having a great time with your family and friends.. 
Thanks so much for dropping by and being so faithful all year long.. 
Looking forward to hearing from you and God bless.. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Good Evening everyone.. 
Just a little post sharing a few pics of our family and wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.. 
May the coming year be blessed with true joy and peace that only Christ can give... 

We had these pics taken in the Fall... 

We started out many years ago just the two of us.. 
Then we had three precious babies who have grown into wonderful blessing to their Dad and I.. 

And now there are all of us.. smile.. 

A sweet dear family that God has given and we are so thankful for.. 

Have a happy Christmas, dear friends and thank you so much for being so faithful in reading the Blessed Hearth and you sweet comments.. 


Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas projects and doings..

Good Evening everyone.. 
Welcome to the Blessed Hearth tonight.. 

As you can see we have a bit of snow here in New Brunswick.. 
A very heavy wet snow and the trees are gorgeous ... 
Thankfully, the hydro has stayed on and I have been working on house work and a few projects I thought you might like to see.. smile.. 
This is the little curtain I was telling you about.. 
I see one of the santa hats is not pulled tight.. 
Oh well, too late to fix it now.. grin.. 
My friend, Dawn found a pin on Pinterest that inspired our imaginations and this is what we came up with.. 
Just a hole in each side of the santa hats and the curtain rod poked through.. 
I have santas in my kitchen but the rest of the house is basically nativities and old fashioned Christmas decor.. 
I don't like him having first place but one room is fine.. 
Happy medium to everything, eh? 
The santa hugging the candle in the middle of the sill used to look like this... 

But after cutting off all of that fake fur and replacing it with sheep's wool... 
He turned out a bit more vintage, shall we say?  smile.. 
The red hats make the kitchen so cozy at night.. 

Terry took me for a lovely drive a couple of weeks ago to a wonderful open house near P. E. I.. 
Her name is Gael and she makes wonderful crafts... 
Her shop is full of antiques and vintage Christmas decor.. 
She is a darling and I totally enjoyed myself.. 
My husband is a dear to sit in the car and wait for me.. smile.. 
I found several Christmas gifts and I will try to get a few pics of them to show you soon.. 
Lots of wonderful gift ideas.. 

This was looking out our living room windows today.. 
So pretty.. 

I worked on the birch bunting and finished it..
It is all strung but too dark to take a pic of it tonight.. 
Perhaps tomorrow.. 
I did make this wee joy one for the guest bath.. 
I found these copper pieces at a thrift store and Terry polished them all up.. 

I am trying to fit some more copper pieces into my kitchen.. 
This is pinned on my Kitchens Pinterest board. 
I just love it and think after Christmas I am going to try and get the same feel here.. 
What do you all think?  
January inspirations, eh? 

I have a project for tomorrow for the basin as a centrepiece.. 
Maybe tomorrow... 
How are you ladies doing with all your preps for the big day?  
I need to get at my cooking.. I am so slow.. 
What baking item do your family want you to be sure to make? 
Mine always want ice cream cake for dessert and cookies and fudge.. Oh... and cherry cheese squares.. 
A sweet girl in our church gave me a recipe for Caramel Fudge.. 
I would like to make it for gifts as it was delicious.. 

Anyway, dear hearts this is all for tonight.. 
Thank you so much for the phone calls for my birthday and all of your dear comments.. 
Appreciate you sweet ladies.. 
God bless...   

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A little Christmas thought...

Good Evening dear hearts..
I am trying to make up for my absence by posting again tonight.. smile..

Just sharing a few things we have been busy doing..

We had a Keepers of the Home meeting the night before my computer crashed..
I had done a whole post and with one wee swipe deleted it all and as it was quite late I thought I would do it the next day but alas it was not to be..

The dear girl smiling at you in the picture made the lovely cake above..
She was so kind as to give us her recipe..
Caramel Cream Cake..
For cream
-8 eggs
-200 grams sugar
-1 liter Milk
-150 grams sugar for caramel
Put the sugar in a pan on the stove ,medium high.
Melt the sugar ,take out and turn around until the sugar is all over. 
Set aside.
In a separate bowl, beat together the eggs and sugar, add cold milk and vanilla extract.
Pour this mixture in to the sugared pan.
For the cake layer 
-6 eggs
-6 table spoon sugar
-6 tablespoon flour
-6 tablespoon water
-1 teaspoon of baking powder
Beat the egg white and add the sugar, the water continuing to beat.
Separately beat the yolks with baking powder and add to white eggs mixture ,but mix slowly .
Add flour mixing slow.
Pour this mixture on the top of the milk from the pan.
Bake for 50 minute in a preheated oven to 350 grade F.
Check to see if it is done.
The surface have to be brown and if you shake the pan ,it has to be firm.
If it seems like a jelly, cover and let it another 10 minute.
Take out from the oven and cold .
When is completely cold, put a plate on the pan, turn it upside down. 
The liquid from melted sugar should go around the cake and be absorbed by cake.
Cover with wiped cream. Decorate up to your imagination. 
Can be used with any kind of flavors  vanilla, rum, almond, etc

My dear hubby chopped me down a birch tree and gathered a bunch of greenery to decorate the house with..
I want him to cut the smallest tree into 15 slices about an inch thick and I will print the letters for Merry Christmas on them and string them up on the fireplace..
I hope so anyway..
Do you ladies use fresh greenery? 
It probably won't be put around until the weekend..
We made a quick trip to St. Martins to check on the cottage and made sure everything was snug and safe for the coming storms..
The weather was exactly how I love it..
Not too cold but windy with high waves..
I could have stayed there all day but we needed to get back home..
There was a lot to do.. smile..

I thought I would mention something to you all..
We have found that once our children left home Christmas just was not the same..
The longer they were married and their children came along the amount of time they managed to get home for the holiday changed too..
At first they come home a lot for Christmas but then they needed to have their own Christmas traditions so they came home less..
Now, they only come home for one night and a day at the most..
It is so precious to me when they are all here under one roof..
You know how I feel as I expect you all feel the same..

We understand all this because of course we had done the same thing.. eh?
Made our own Christmas dinners, had our own little customs and traditions as they grew up..
It was the natural thing to do.. smile..  

Anyway, the last few years I kind of turned into a Grinch, kind of..
I just didn't see the point of doing the work for such a short time. 
I would do it but would not enjoy it very much..
I had lost my Christmas joy..

This year our pastor taught a simple little lesson on Christmas and one thing he said made quite an impression on me..
He noted that there is so much less in this world that celebrates our Lord Jesus..
The world is steadily changing and leaving Him out of the picture of our lives..  He mentioned that when there is a chance to celebrate Christ then we should do our best..
Actually, strive to find the joy and celebrate Him with our family and friends every chance we get ..

to put Christ back into Christmas and old fashioned joy..
It does not need to be all about presents and such but the joy of sharing love and laughter with our family and friends.. Just of being together..
Isn't that a wonderful way to look at it..

I am decorating and planning and finding joy in my days..
Spending time with friends and looking forward to the day we will spend with our family...

Just enjoying doing little things like making Christmas crafts and gifts and making lists of Christmas dinner recipes ideas and such..
Do you find joy in Christmas preps? 

Hopefully, tomorrow I will get a chance to take a pic of my new curtain that my friend found on Pinterst and we both made one..
So cute..

Today was spent away from home again but hopefully I can spend the day home tomorrow and get some work done... smile..

Well, my friends I hope you enjoyed this post and I look forward to hearing from you..
So glad some of you missed me.. smile..

Merry Christmas, sweet ladies..
He is the reason for the season.. xoxo

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Here I am again..

 Hello everyone..
How are you ? 
Hope all is well in your part of the world..

I have been missing here on my blog for a bit as my computer crashed and it took a bit to get it back together..

I had no way really to explain so I am apologizing to you all now..

I had done a whole post on our Keepers of the Home meeting and erased it all in one swipe and then my computer broke..

Tonight it has taken me awhile to try and get things back in order and find that even the typing of this post is off but hopefully all will be back to normal soon.. smile..
We have been busy, though getting ready for Christmas and doing the seasonal things..
Visiting Christmas concerts, shopping, decorating and crafting.. I have not very much cooking done yet, though..
I think I will try and make one thing each day for the next few days and perhaps I will get at least a bit accomplished, eh?

I did take a few pics and got them on here and then lost them all so to be honest I am about to screammmmmm..
No, not really scream but perhaps yell a bit loudly.. grin..

I promise to try and get a decent post on tomorrow or when I can..

Here is a little project I finished last week..

A modge podge nativity picture..

I will try and get a better picture for you later..

As for now, my dears I am going to say good night and hopefully I will get the kinks out of everything soon..
Who would know that even my Blogger dashboard is different..
Oh well.. in due time..
How are your Christmas preps coming along..

Thanks so much for your sweet emails and concerns and I do look forward to hearing from you all..

God bless..


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Celebrating Thanksgiving with our Neighbors...

Hello Everyone... 
Just wanted to wish Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends.. 

Each year Terry and I try to celebrate along with them.. 

I am thankful for the many friendships we have made with this blog and they have blessed our daily life.. 

It is amazing that in the stats for the blog the Americans who follow the Blessed Hearth are triple the Canadians.. 
Hmmmm.. I wonder why.. smile.. 

But for whatever reason we have met some wonderful people wherever they live... 

We already had our Thanksgiving in October with turkey and  will be having another one or two at Christmas .. 
Therefore, as it was just the two of us we had chicken.. 
Chicken, mashed potatoes, dressing, carrots, gravy, coleslaw and pickles.. 
It was lovely and we were thinking of you all and hoping you were having a blessed day.. 

My sister-in-law gave me a small pumpkin yesterday so that was great for a little decor.. smile..
Most of my Fall decorating has been put away and hopefully next week I can get my Christmas started.. 

Well, this is short and sweet tonight.. 
Two nights in a row is pretty good for me to post, eh?  grin.. 

Take care, dear hearts and may God bless and keep you in the coming year.. 
Sending love from the New Brunswick on the Eastern coast of Canada.. 


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

That time of year..

Good evening, everyone.. 
Thanks for dropping by .. 

How is your weather? 
We are beginning what is supposed to be a HUGE storm tonight and tomorrow... 
Lots and lots of snow.. 
Kind of puts us all in the mood for Christmas, though.. smile.. 

I spent a lovely day last Friday with several dear friends visiting an old train station a couple of hours from here.. 
Each room was decorated by a score of different decorators and was truly beautiful.. 
I have posted a few pics that was taken.. 

We are having a Keepers meeting this Friday night.. 
My sister-in-law is coming to help me show them how to make 100 egg rolls for freezing for the Winter months.. 
Also, we will be sharing some Christmas ideas for frugal gifts and decor.. 
If you live in our area and would like to join us then just email me at 

I am planning on making some of the little orange and fruit garlands above.. 
Also, the cranberry and popcorn one is so simple and appeals to me.. 
How about you?

I would like to do a more simple type of decor this year with natural boughs and such.. 

I also wanted to wish our American friends a very Happy Thanksgiving and pray it will be blessed with family love and joy.. 

Oh and that is my special breakfast that I enjoy once a week.. 
Soft cooked eggs and Soldiers.. 
I know it is a British breakfast although I believe they use boiled eggs which I do sometimes.. 
Just cut your buttered toast which has been salt and peppered and stick your soldiers into the soft yolk.. 
So good. 
Do you ever have this for breakfast?.. 

Well, must get to bed as there is so much to do tomorrow.. 
Praying the power stays on.. 
Putting some water into thermoses just in case, though.. smile.. 
Gotta have my coffee.. grin.. 

God bless you my friends and Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends.. xo