
Friday, July 12, 2024

The Days of Summer.....

this below reminded me of that old old chorus... 
Tell it to Jesus... 

Good evening dear hearts...

Welcome to the Blessed Hearth on this Saturday evening... 
I hope all is well with thee.... 
We are doing fine and enjoying the summer thus far.. 
We are having a bit of heat but so is the rest of the world it seems.. 
The Maritimes are experiencing a lot of rain but it is very welcome. 
The gardens and forest always appreciate it, I am sure.. 

I am appologetic as to the format of this post.. 
I end up doing this sometimes when I am so far behind in my blogging and just can't seem to get it together..

I will explain the pics and tell you about our summer since last time we chatted.. 
We have done a few daytrips, shopping trips and a few days at the farm.. 
Terry has the garden mostly in and it is up and doing fine thus far.  

I actually have been enjoying being home and puttering away at this and that.  

Planted up a few red geraniums and put them in my kitchen window along with the bunting I made over the winter.  

Potting up plants on the deck so I can get to them but we need to stain the whole thing again and just sort of waiting on that before I can do much else... 

I found that sweet vase at a fave thrift shop out in the village.. 
I find it is the little things sometimes that takes you a bit beyond the mundane if you know what I mean.. 
Such a wee item but I wanted to find a fresh flower that matched it and we did... grin.. 

Love doing little decor chores or crafting something.. 
Funny how I always have energy for those kind of things or cooking but oh getting to cleaning out some cupboards or organizing a few drawers are so easily put off... smile. 

We toured the Fundy Trail on Canada Day and visited dear old St. Martins... Home of my ancestors on my mother's side.. Saw several sweet friends that we had not seen in a long time and totally enjoyed our day. Ended with the Caves delicious fish and chips... 
Then a lovely drive home up over the mountain... 
God is good.... So much to enjoy... 
His creation is so awesome... 
We have actually been to the Bay of Fundy several times lately.. 


Terry picked me a load of roses and have been drying peony and rose petals for a sheet potpourri.  I am using an antique flower dryer for them and they are doing well.. I think that is what it is for.. smile.. 

a few family pics and moments.. 
Our youngest son had a birthday... 
He was enjoying his vacation at Jasper Park and sent his momma lots of beautiful pics... 
But I loved the one of him and Alisha the best.. 
Can't believe how fast the years have gone... 

Shonda's son received his Medical degree and is now our dear Dr. Matt.. 
He is now doing his Neurosurgical Program out West.  
We are very proud of him and just pray God's blessing and direction on his life... 
Can't wait to see him at Christmas.... 
We are very proud and happy for all of our grandsons accomplisments and successes.. 
All five of them rock our world.... ❤❤❤❤❤

Shonda and her two sons are in the last pic.. 
So many beautiful blessings in our lives.. 
So thankful... 

a few pics of the farm kitchen one day I was there... 
And one of my fave views near our home here.. 
Love seeing the cows in the pastures during the summer... 
Reminds me of when I was a child.. 
My gramp always had a few cows and horses of course.. 

Did a bit of baking one day.. 
Discovered Banana Snack Cake recipes.. 
So easy... Just google it... ❤

Found this below on Tumblr... 
Love a rainy summer day...
And every sill should have a wee jar of chamomile or some fresh flowers.. Don't you think? 😊

Well, sweet friends I think this is all for tonight.. 
I probably have a hundred pics left on my camera but I think this is enough for this time. 

I pray for you that your world is doing well... That your heart is calm and that the joy of the Lord fills your spirit.. 
He makes such a difference in our lives when we hold onto his hand and put our complete trust in Him...  

Enjoy your summer.. 
Thank you for dropping by and looking forward to your little notes..  
I answered most of them on here last time.. 

that song.. 
My Only Hope is in Jesus   
It so blesses my soul... 

God Bless you all...