How are you?
We are doing fine and realizing that Winter has arrived here in Maritime Canada!
What a fall we have had! Unbelievable in a way but I always remember my Mom telling me that the Christmas that I arrived there was not a speck of snow and mild.
So lovely but now that December will be here tomorrow then a little snow is fine.. 😊
Are you all ready for Christmas?
I have never been in much of a rush until December 1.
Although, this year I am feeling a bit overwhelmed in November!
It is so hard to realize that I cannot do what I used to and what I do do is slow!
I have got out my Christmas note tablet and made some notes and plans as to how I can simplify and still make it nice..
If you know what I mean..
We are excited because the family will be here on January 1. We will celebrate with them on that day as our grandson does not arrive from the West until the night before..
We should all be here except for our youngest son... He is so missed but that is the way it is...
We will be in contact with him all day though and he will be a part of it...
He was so happy to have his brother, sister in law and nephew out for a week..
They had a wonderful time and fell in love with Alberta...
Then a few weeks later his sister was out with him for another week or almost...
They so loved seeing where he lived and spending so much time with them..
So thankful for our sweet family and the love the kids all share for each other..
God has been good..
We hope to see him and Alisha in the new year sometime...
Here are a few food pics ...

I am so sorry but I did not get many pics this time for some reason..
Soup season is back and I love that as you know...
Made a batch of kneaded bread last week and it was so good..
I think I will get back to it some..
The cake was delicious from Cosby Mollasses but I was not real happy with the shape of the cottage.. 💛
Here are some projects I have pics of..
A nativity that has turned out so awesome..
I just love it..
Will take a pic when it gets hung and such..
Terry had to take the fireplace mantel out so it would fit... 😅
Then this one I did for the kitchen to go with the old santas that I have been gifted with over the years..
It looks better in real...😏
I will take some pics when it is all said and done..
Making homemade tags again this year..
I so love doing this..
It is so restful an occupation...
I love paper crafts as you can tell..

I found another lovely old Christmas book this year and had two old santa pics in it..
I framed one to put under the kitchen counter and made a bag with the other one..
And placed some tags in it for my friend, Mary who attended a function with me at Shonda's church..
Remember, I told you last time about Mary and I meeting through this blog...
And finally met each other in person... ❤
This was the event...
A Christmas gathering for the ladies and the R.E.A.L group...
So lavely with waffles and fruit and coffee and such..
My friend met me there and we had a devotion and beautiful singing..
Then some craft making....

It was a lovely morning!
Thank you Mission Point for inviting us along...
A few weeks ago our sweet girl took her Momma on a wonderful adventure to Prince Edward Island...

We went to Charlottetown the first day...
Found our hotel which was a converted convent...
So beautifully done and decorated..
Visited a wonderful shop owned by a friend...
Tosh Company Home Store..
It was lovely! And Tosh is so sweet and genuine..
I bought a few Christmas things and Shonda had a blast..
After we went back and
she went out and brought back some genuine Italian food..
So good and then to bed..
The next day she treated me to a visit to a huge Thrift store!
and lunch and coffee at the Black Kettle..
don't you love that teapot.
castiron... i could hardly lift it... lol...
I had a spinach soup which was so tasty..
I would like to try and make it...
After that we headed to the east side of Prince Edward Island
To the Inn at Bay Fortune...
A five star inn owned by Chef Michael Smith and his wife..
I have followed Chef Michael for many years as he is a very famous chef from here in Maritime Canada...
I loved his cooking show and loved picking up tips and such from him...
It was such a pleasure to be there and join in a Culinary Retreat he put on...
Thank you, Shonda and Dave for such a fun experience!!
We were booked in one of their beautiful cottages and had so much fun meeting his staff and the other guests..
They were actually filming one of his shows during our evening..
It was so classy and well done..
Forty people attended and ate at a community table and the meal was called... The Seven...... there were seven courses...
Four chefs shared their dishes with us and then we enjoyed immensely a spread of Oysters..
So delicious!
Did I say they were delicious? lol!
The gentleman in the pic above was Patrick and he was awesome!
Got us all situated and then shared the oysters and made sure I had my pic taken with Chef Michael himself... 😃

What can I say but that is was a wonderful adventure!
They even awarded us with a poster all signed by the chefs!
They give it to the couple who seems to be having the best time!
Imagine! smile...
Shonda is so much fun to go with and spoiled me beyond!
We had a wonderful windy rainy night to sleep in on top of it all!
You know me and my stormy weather love..
The next morning we all gathered for a gourmet breakfast which was simply delicious!
This was mine.. Eggs Benedict!
And lovely coffee! ❤

Happy December tomorrow!
I am sure we all have tons of plans and ideas to get on with..
I need to reorganize some of my plans and make new ones..
Way too many projects on the go....
Looking forward to spending time celebrating the birth of the Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords...
And with our family, friends and church family!
I did want to share something I read in a book one day awhile ago..
I so loved it...
It said....
It is impossible to live without God!
He's in your every footstep!
Every beat your heart makes!
In the wind and the trees!
In our way of life!
Take your thoughts out and examine them carefully!
How true is that!
And when we take our thoughts out and honestly examine them we cannot deny the existance of God eternal....
And the acceptance he grants us on our repentance of our sin is so wonderful!
Then He continues to lead and guide our lives preparing us for a home forever with Him...
Isn't Jesus wonderful!
God bless you all tonight and thank you so much for stopping by..
I hope to meet up soon and share more Christmas prepartions with you all..
I look forward to your notes and please take care..
Jesus is the reason for the season as we always say...
And when the overwhelming moments come as they do more as we get older then I want to be that person who calms at the Name of Jesus!
Hugs from New Brunswick....