Good Evening my Dears..It has been a rather stormy day today! I was wondering if you would like to take a little walk with me.. This morning my hubby and I rearranged the cupboards and such up at the House of Henry. I then came back and sewed. Shall we say after a couple of hours or so I decided that I needed a wee break.. That is where you come Perhaps we will take a walk together down to the beach.. The Bay of Fundy is really rough today.
I took a couple a really good video shots but I just can't upload them to my posting because I have the new editor version of Blog.. I guess we will have to be happy with a couple of pics.instead..
We are standing in front of my friend's cottage..It is right on the beach.. One night last summer I was invited to stay overnite with her and listen to the waves right up close.. Lovely!!
There are the caves over there.. They are really quite popular...
Then over there on that far point is where my friend Janelle lives.. It is called West Quaco... I am afraid that you can't see her house from here. She is the gal that makes the delicious coffee!! On Wednesday she and I have been invited to tea with an English lady who lives in one of the oldest houses around... I will let you know how that goes!!
The wind is really blowing!! I should have worn a Our daughter and her family were out the other night and we took a walk down here to the beach. It was about the same kind of day! I told her that I would rather have a stormy beach than a calm one.. Let's just say she did not see the logic in I guess God just made us all different!
Well, perhaps we should head towards home..
I see I have left my work light on.. That is my craft room.. It looks out towards the Bay and I can see the waves from there...
I think we will just walk on by and
go up and see what Terry is doing first...
He is antiquing the woodwork..Well, I hope you have had a nice time but I have to get back to
These are a couple of little cheesecloth swags I am making for the window in the door..
I am using a sponge stamper and a bit of black paint. Pretty easy, eh?
Well, I hope you enjoyed our little time together and I will try to be a little more informative and inspiring on another day.. ok?
Remember Jesus loves you and He can calm any of the storms in your life..The wonderful thing is that He is as near as the mention of His Name...