
Sunday, October 6, 2024

Celebrating the Autumn Days....

Hello dear ones... 
Welcome today to the Blessed Hearth blog.. 
So very nice to chat with you all again.. 
It has been awhile! 

Such a wonderful summer we had and now a glorious and beautiful Autumn... 
The pic above was taken in Albert County here in New Brunswick.. The county of my birth, so I am a bit biased!  
Our province is called the Picture Province and we love it... 
We live in a beautiful world... 

How have you all been?  
I pray all is well in your part of the world.. 
I know there is so much going on with the storms and tragedies of life these days... 
So glad to know who holds our hand and to know that our future is secure in Him.. 
Fall has arrived since we last chatted and it brings a lot of work.. 
Harvesting and putting away for the winter months is always a happy time in my life.. 
A bit overwhelming a lot of days.. 
This old lady is not what she used to be...😀

Nevertheless, Terry and I just keep on working away at stuff.. 

He gardens and I put it by .... 

Dill pickles, 

Sweet Dills, Garlic Dills and Kosher Dills.. 
Sliced , chunked and whole....

And there were several batches of mustard, dill beans, Prosser Brook Relish, Ripe tomato Relish, canned tomatoes, dried tomatoes and green beans, salsa red and green and so on.. 
So thankful to have our garden and our farmers markets... 
The apples, beets and squash are ready now.. 
I did get a canner of apple pie filling done and dehydrated some..
Anyway, this is starting to sound tiresome so let's go on... 
By the way I do love doing this stuff so it is a good thing!

I have been thrifting a bit.. 
I must say that I am curbing my instinct to drop by thrift stores much more then before.. 

I did get these lovely old old plates.. 

They will be wonderful for our family gatherings... 
Justifying myself... 

A few food pics...

My new bread recipe...

It is called the world's best bread on the website... 
Kindred Bread
I just had to try it although it took me awhile to get to it.. 
I only baked bread a few times this summer.. We are eating less of it and the summer had hot muggy days... 
But it did get done.. 
I totally loved it and it does make the best toast ever!
The smell of it toasting is so different and delicious! 
You make it in different size rolls or extra large muffin dishes.. 
But you slice it like a loaf of bread.. 
Terry did not like it like a roll but as I told him you are not to eat it like a roll but slice it like bread... Duhhh! 😊❤
Anyway, it was a bit more work but I really love it... 

My friend Deanna's Brown Bread...

Soup days are back again thank heavens... 
I am a soup junkee... Are you?

A little recipe for you although you probably already make these.. 
So good.. 

The dear man of mine turned 75 last month and we had a family outing for supper....
So blessed with a sweet loving family!  

And ..... 
Shonda invited me to chat with her ladies' group...
getting ready... 

Just a few ideas of celebrating October in our homes... 

vignettes, bringing the outside in and such
a wonderful spice potpourri

buntings, homemade tablecloth and napkins without much sewing.. 
shopping your house and using and thrifted finds...
packing up  with these two sweeties... 
Shonda and Nicole..

The high light for me was to meet a lady who started following my blog many years ago..  We found we had so much in common and our husbands grew up a few miles apart.. 
Over the years we have become dear friends.. 
When she read I was to be in the city for this she attended... 
It was just so wonderful to meet face to face.. 
Just like we were the ones who grew up together.. 
eh Mary??  xoxox
I wish we had of had a pic taken together.. Next time... 

Some fall and late summer pics on some of our country drives...

wild turkeys..... aren't they awesome?
Relatively new to our province in these numbers.. love them.. 

My sweet sister sent this to me last night.. 

I remember memorizing this in our little two room school house in Turtle Creek when I was in grade four.. 
Have always loved it and remembered it.. 
Did you learn it in school also?❤
wise words...

I bought this magazine the other day.. 
It is hard to imagine how fast this year has gone and we will soon be celebrating the Christmas season.. 
I love making and doing for my family and friends.. 
This seems to have a lot of ideas I liked so took the splurge.. 
I hardly buy magazines anymore.. 
Our children gifted me the British Country Living last Christmas and that is my fave.. 
I so loved the Simple Things magazine but it was not available much.. 
A sweet Korean couple at my fave book store started ordering it in for me.. 
I was so delighted but just after a few copies I had to ask them not to hold them for me.. 
They changed editors or some such thing and was way too modern for my tastes.. 
I am glad I saved the few old ones I had found.. 

Anyways my dears this is all for today.... 
I hope you have a great fall .. 
I owe you all an apology... 
As I was uploading my pics I noticed that I had forgotten to do our little vacation blog post... sorry.. 
I may get to it but I best not promise.. smile.. 

Take care and look after your wonderful families and I pray you know Jesus... our Saviour......
He is our peace and joy when we decide to give our lives to Him.. 
Acts 2:38 in the Bible tells you in one verse how to be saved.. 
He is coming back soon...
Prepare to meet Him...

It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown.  For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever.  And we who are living will also be trasformed... 
1 Corinthians 15:52

God bless you all today and thanks so much for stopping by... 
I look forward to hearing from you... I love your notes and will be on Instagram some and will check Facebook for them.. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

A Few of our Summer Joys...

Hello there dear hearts... 
How art thou?
Can you believe it is almost the end of August already? 

What a beautiful summer we have had here in Atlantic Canada... 
Several days of very hot weather then several days of cooler ones.. 
It has been the type of summer that I can live with if you know what I mean... 
I dislike intense heat but if we have a lovely rain storm to cool us off and cool nights for sleeping then I am doing well.. 

I feel sorry for folks who are having horrendous floods and wild fires and such.... 
Our dear youngest son lives out west where there are hail storms and wild fires... Oh my!
We just pray for God's protection upon them and live in trust... 

These are some flowers growing off of our patio.. 
I brought them from St. Martins many years ago when we had our cottage there.. They are called Poor Man's Orchid and their blossoms change to pods that jump when you squeeze them... 
Our grandsons used to love doing that and I love it myself.. 
The only thing is that when I see these blooming I realize that summer is drawing to a close... 

I am not one to hurry the seasons as I grow older... 
I just like to meander down the path and enjoy the sights... 😊 
And Summer has some of the best...
Terry and I have really enjoyed the last several weeks as we have taken many daytrips and even overnight ones to our Maritime provinces and Maine... 
I will do a blog post on that soon but we still have one or two more to take... 

Meanwhile the veggies in the garden are growing and he has been picking some.. 
We have been feasting on our new green beans and potatoes... 

This is a Maritime Canada dish and it is called Hodge Podge... 
Everyone has their own version of it.. 
Usually, the same version that your Momma made when you were growing up... ❤
My family always made it with just the green beans and potatoes but Terry's Mom always added fresh new peas to hers and some add new carrots.. 
Once they are all cooked you drain them and I add coffee cream and lots of butter, salt and pepper.. 
I think Mom used to add milk and cream... 
Just depends... 
But it is the best tasting summer dish around.. 
Oh and lobster and fish chowder of course... 
I think most areas have their own cousine that they are famous for..

And the pickling and canning season is upon us too.. 
Have been canning beans and making a ton of pickles..
Dills, dills and more dills.. Different types.. Bread and Butter, Mustard, Sweet Chips and such.. 
I still have more to make but am getting there..  
I eat them for breakfast.. 
Don't you? haha

We like having a bit of homemade bread around too ... 
As you can see we are not keto... lol... 
But we don't eat this every day... 

Another lovely summer joy are the garden flowers... 

I am not a gardener... sorry to say.. 
I love it all but I do well to get my herbs looked after and this summer I have not done well even at that.. 
Anyway, If I can buy or beg a few here and there I enjoy them... 
There are always wild ones and I am blessed with a wonderful husband who does not mind picking them for me if I can't get to them.. 
As you sweet followers already know.. ❤

We have been out to the farm of course or at least Terry has been. 

I go some but not like I used to... 
I loved it last time we were there and the cows were out in our front pasture.. 
They always gather at the fence when we are leaving.. 

I did have a vert exciting evening with one of our precious grandsons... 

The dear thing took me all the way to St. Andrews to Kingsbrae Garden for a ten course meal.. 
We had such a great time... 

The food was simply amazing and it was done with such finese... 
I so loved it all...

The drive there and back was so much fun... 
All we did was talk and laugh.  

Aren't our grandchildren one of the most lovely of blessings?  
We are just so thankful for our precious family as I know you are too.. 

I am including this one wee day trip we took to Nova Scotia down the SunRise Trail along the Northumberland Strait..

We visited the beautiful Lavender Farm there.. 
Smelled heavenly and their little farm shop was sweet. 
Flower gardens and such too.. 

I think Lavender is my favourite herb for crafts and toiletries and such.. 
Smells heavenly and just so many uses for it.. 
I know some people bake with it but I have not tried that yet..

I was just so happy that my Lavender bed at the farm came back again for the fifth year... 

I harvested quite a few bundles... 

I hope to plant some differnt kinds next year that grow taller... 
We shall see... 
I certainly am thankful for this harvest.. 

I have included a screen shot that I took on a site about making some lovely sachets and such.. 

You may want to google it... 
I found the site insteresting.... 

And of course we have had several visits to our wonderful Bay of Fundy...

Old Black River Road, Gardner and Tynemouth Creek.. 
And the Duck Pond Road... 
The land of my ancestors and dear cousins still live there... 

Anyway lovies I guess this is all for tonight.. 
Tomorrow is the Sabbath and I so look forward to our church service...
There is nothing like the family of God and worshipping together.. 

This was a pic I took over in Corn Hill one day... 
The breeze was blowing and the air smelled so lovely.. 

Thank you so much for dropping by.. 
I love having you visit and leaving your sweet notes.. 
Either here, Face Book or Instagram... 
I appreciate every one of them.. 

I just noticed how much better I am doing on my Chrome Book.. lol.. 
It was a pain for awhile but I am adjusting... 

I will be back soon with our day trip extravaganza... lol.. 

Take care of yourselves and your sweet families.. 
I will be praying for you dear followers of this space here on the world wide web.. 
May God richly bless you and pray for us too.. 
Thank you...