It certainly was not our daughter's gorgeous table but a little effort was put forth.. 😉
Wild flowers were gathered for a bouquet and a ham was purchased..
We decided a potato scallop was in order and I brought a couple of brown transferware dishes from the farm..
And old lace napkins... (of course!) smile..
Then I tried to make an apple pie..
It was not my day..
I could hardly get enough crust to make a pie so settled for small deep dish ones.. smile..
When I get tired I may as well just give up and say forget it!
But I am too stubborn..
The gist of the story is that Terry liked them better and thought I should make them more often... lol..
Anyway, we did get a chance to chat with all of our dear kids and that was that for another year..
We have been buying some of the most lovely apples!
What a gorgeous crop this fall..
Made this Apple Butter from Kings Landing Historical Settlement..
In my crockpot....
The recipe is here below..
As you see there are no instructions and I forgot to not put the cover on and let's just say it took a day or two to thicken up..

It is an absolutely lovely apple butter.. (to the left)Salsa on right.
But not for toast...
Delicious on ham or chicken or a apple and cheddar sandwich on crusty bread..
But not toast! lol...
It has vinegar.... smile.
I may try to make my usual but have not got to that yet..
Still have apples after doing up 70 pounds.. (yikes)
They keep for ages though... smile..
Made some laundry soap...
Here is the recipe I used...
1.5 cups of washing soda
1.5 cups borax
2 T. salt
1 bar of grated laundry soap
essential oils of choice and amount...
I love lavender!
Maybe a bit of rose in memory of my Mom... smile..
Mix it all up in a big tub or bowl...
Then store it in something to keep it dry.
Use a Tablespoon per load or more if soiled badly...
I don't use this every wash but especially when I do tea towels and such..

I put mine in a coffee can and pasted some old wallpaper border around just to make it a bit nicer..
I found this bit of info the other day and love the idea so am adding it to the above..
Using my own essential oil choices though...
My friend adds Tide so I will be adding a cup or so too..
I am so slow getting back to you dear girls that my posts are way too long but anyway..
Here is a drive from a few weeks ago..
Our very first heavy frost and we had to go to Sussex...
The fog and frost were simply beautiful!
Just had to share them with you...
Then a few other fallish drives with the splendor of autumn..

A couple of farm pics, too...
Some are in Albert County and some in Kings or Westmorland!
We are so blessed to live in New Brunswick..
Would not want to be anywhere else!
(says this old lady!!) 💖

One day we came home and had a Maritimer's Supper!
Fish in a sauce and baked potatoes and peas and homemade pickles... mmmm..
Sometimes I still make cookies and freeze a couple in individual bags for our drives with our Butternut Ridge coffee..
The best coffee around.. I may be prejudiced! smile..
Although all is well and even with restrictions and virus and such life goes on...
There is happiness and there is still sorrow...
There are times in your life when you are younger that there is not a lot of people you know passing on..
But the older one gets it seems to happen a lot more..
Terry and I have been blessed with dear friends and family..
Sometimes, we have made relationships with some that are special..
You know what I mean..
We mostly all have best friends and friends that you love dearly even if you have not seen or chatted with them for eons..
The minute you lay eyes on them it is exactly like it was yesterday or forty years ago..
(This may be a wee bit longer post but like I always say..
Just scroll on by.. )
Many years ago when Terry and I were in our young twenties, we moved from the city to a small farming area..
We had moved to St. John when we were married and were there about 8 years...
In our seventh year we had found the Lord again after going our own way for several years...
In giving our lives back to him , we wanted to be closer to our church and get away from the city..
So we moved to Sussex..
To be honest I regretted the move for awhile..
It was different then what we were used to and it was not what I had expected.. Whatever I expected.. smile.
One day after the kids were in school I decided I would try selling a household product to my neighbors..
Knocking on a door up the road from me a dear sweet lady answered the door and invited me in...
It was such a lovely surprise...
I knew right away that we were kindred spirits...
The stew was cooking on a wood stove, bread was rising on the counter... A wee boy was playing with pots on the floor..
There was a pile of magazines and books on the table and she had the ironing board out making a craft..
I think she was waxing fall leaves... smile..
and cats!! I love cats!
It was a visit that changed my circumstances of living there..
The tea was put on and there was bread and cheese and real butter..
It is a precious memory to me of how our friendship began about 45 years ago...
She was a bit older then me but it never mattered in the least...
She taught me just so much about home and making and doing..
I loved her dearly!
Then, a couple of weeks ago she left this world..
I was so sad..
A few days before that I had lost another dear friend from my youth and it seemed like a lot!!
God gets you through these times though..
He really does!
I wanted to remember in my own special way..
So one night I made a nice supper for us..
One of Deanna's recipes that she had given me..
It is really good...
I hope you enjoy it..
They were special friends and I was blessed to know Deanna and Elva...
May God bless their families...
I haven't done a lot of fall decorating this year..
Just busy trying to catch up with the preserving and winter preps...
Getting back into a bit of felting, too..
My friend Dawn and I were talking about growing older and Christmas...
She thought we should do a little bit every day and then we won't be overwhelmed..
I agree..
But you know me..
I need inspiration...
I thought this might help get me in the mood..
I read this in a book years ago and took a pic of this page.. I believe the writer was Rosamund Pilcher but not sure...
Glad I saved it..
I expect I will read it a few times before December 25...
With all that is going on I hope to keep it sweet and simple and fresh but lovely...
How about you..
Can you get your mind wrapped around it all yet?
I will ask you again next time.. smile..
Well dear girls, I am about done..
Such a long long post but it was nice to connect with you all.. This is a little church down the road from us..
Aren't the sheep darling?
So glad to know the Good Shepherd....
I post on Instagram quite a bit more then here and sometimes think I should just try and do it 100 percent then do this and that either one very well..
But here I am again for now..
Meet me over there anytime you like..