Hello everyone..
So glad you dropped by the Blessed Hearth on this Sunday evening..
As some of you may know our province of New Brunswick especially the eastern side of which we are a part has suffered a severe ice storm..
I thought I would do a little post and take you with me on a little field trip to see the ice..
I know I have not done this kind of post for awhile so perhaps you will enjoy it and see how it is here in our little part of the world..
As I said in my last post on Tuesday we were in a rather bad storm with freezing rain and wind..
Our hydro fluttered on and off through the evening so I ended the post and went to bed..
The window was open as usual and the wind was wild..
I could hear a snapping every once in awhile and I thought there was something banging against a wall out by the shed somewhere.. smile..
In the morning I came out and looked out our front window to this..
I hadn't realized just how bad it was..
Going over to make a pot of coffee and looking out the kitchen window...
My little bubble weather forecaster that my Mom gave me was telling the story, I think..
Not good with all those bubble things at the top..
And then I noticed all the limbs strewed around the yard..
Our apple orchard is quite old and the poor things were broken everywhere..
The snapping I heard through the night must have been branches breaking!
Someone was up and gone to work and let Charlie out for a few minutes..
This was Wednesday morning and hydro was out over most of the province especially on the Eastern side as I was saying..
Then on Thursday we decided to take a drive just to see what it was like..
We headed out of our little village and there were hydro trucks everywhere..
Bless their hearts..
They came from Nova Scotia and other provinces to help us out..
Here are some scenes that we saw..
I apologise for the picture quality but you get the drift, eh?
The birches really were just bent over double or broke right off..
Terry wanted to see how his wood lot looked..
In all the midst of it, though, you have to gasp at the beauty of it all..
There are so many photos on the web that are just gorgeous..
These will give you an idea of how much ice there was..
We have passed huge trees broken right in two and driveways plugged with broken down trees..
I imagine it is a lot like when a tornado goes through!
There are folks today still without their electricity..
It is times like these that communities band together to help each other..
A lot of houses have their generators going out in their garages but I am so thankful for wood heat..
We continued on our drive to Salisbury and only the Irving Big Stop was open and it was packed with people wanting a hot meal and such..
On Saturday the sun came out and when we were coming home from Sussex there were fields of choppings where the wood had been cut down.. The sun shining on the all of the ice made it look like a field of diamonds..
I did not have my camera but Terry remarked that no camera could capture all that beauty...
We do not have much snow now..
We had to go check the farm as the hydro was out there for 3 days but it was on when we arrived and all was fine..
Oh for you girls who read my blog and I was complaining about Terry chopping down my fave pine tree......
Well, he says it is a good thing he did that because that wind would have caused the tree to tear the mast right off of our house..
He was right again!
We have had a simply wonderful Sunday with our church family today..
A special dedication and meeting with old friends and family and worshipping the Lord together was lovely..
And a pot luck...
God is good and we are thankful for his blessings during the storms of our lives..
Even ice storms..
Take care dear hearts...