
Sunday, February 9, 2025

Wintering here at home....

Hello my dears!
So happy to have you drop by on this freezing day in mid February.. 
The winter is flying by for me..
 I hear a lot of people saying January was so long but I didn't find it so.. 
It is a thing that I am thankful for.. 
In my younger days I used to mind the month of January intensely.. 
We lived in a big old farm house that had those long and narrow old windows and I found the house dark on those winter days.. 
Then we moved here and I zipped through the winter and realized that I didn't mind it at all.. 
So many big windows here so I guess I need light!  ❤😊

Some wintering projects that I have been working on... 

Homemade clay hearts.. 
Here is the recipe... 
2 cups of baking soda
1 cup of corn starch
1 1/2 cups of water 

Stir the ingredients on the stove until the consistency of mashed potatoes.. 
Roll out and cut with cookie cutters.. 
Used a skewer to make a hole in each. 
Terry ended up drilling holes as the holes dried closed.. 
Cook:  175 degrees oven for 2 hours.. 
Or I just placed in unheated oven for overnight.. 
Then I sanded them very carefully as I broke the first one.. 
Then wipe the dust off and painted them with acrylic red paint.. 
Sanded off the edges and then painted over with a brown paint.. 
I put a coat of wax on top but you could use a sealer...
Then hung them on an old alder branch... 

Also, I used one of my Mirilla bags I made last year along with a lavender sachet I made to give to my sister when she was in the hospital.. 
I hope to make a few more some snowy afternoon... 

My friend Judy sent me a pic of a quilt heart garland... 

So I did my own plan and came up with this one.. 

I need to put a little string of fairy lights on them.. 

Decorated the mantel with old brown bottles and brown pottery.. 
Bought a few ivys and weaved a sweet crochet heart garland from my sweet friend through out... 
Just love those twinkle lights during the dark evenings.. 
Don't you?

Remember my felted heart bunting I made a few years ago.. 
Still using it.. ❤

I saw this and thought you might like it.. 
It is not just grandmas doing this these days.. 
So many younger ones are into this, too.. 😌

Taking country drives.. 
Looks pretty cold, eh?  

Looks the same out of my kitchen windows... 

We were so blessed to have our son in law show up one Saturday morning with breakfast and his powersaw to help cut up a big maple tree Terry had to cut down.. 
We were so sad but it had started to rot and we were not wanting it to land on our roof..  

We so appreciated his help... 
Then our oldest son came and helped change truck tires.. 
Thanking the Lord for our family in our getting older days.. 😊

Some food pics... 

Just comfort food... 
Lentil soup, roast beef dinner, spaghetti with Martha's tomato sauce 101

Then bread... 
Like to have homemade bread often... 

Then I always make homemade salad dressings.. 
So much cheaper and so much healthier... 

Made another batch of jam... 

Using frozen cranberries, raspberries and strawberries... 
It tastes so good.. 
I should have wrote down the recipe as I kind of used two recipes.. 

Then making lots of cups of tea or coffee.. 
And the odd cookie here and there... 😀
Found a sweet cat cookie press at the thrift store.. 

Oh... yes, enjoying my thrift store shopping too.. 
Found a gorgeous set of Wedgewood Blue Transferware dishes.. 
A big set and only 15 dollars.. 
Thankful for simple blessings.. 

Well, this is all for another time my friends.. 
Thank you once again for dropping by.. 
I hope you are enjoying this slow down season and getting your rest.. 
I know the world is in more chaos then ever before..
very troubled ..

But when we have our trust in the Lord, he calms the troubled waters of our souls and gives us sweet peace and comfort.. 
We can go on with our days and make our homes a haven for our families.. 
Today is probably one of the most important time in history for parents to concentrate on making our homes a place of peace and calm. 

This world is soon coming to a close and I want to be ready to meet Him.. 
He is coming soon.. 

The Bible says in Luke 21:28
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh... 

I so love this verse...
Nothing to fear.. His is the kingdom.. 

God bless you dear hearts.
Hugs from New Brunswick.. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Christmas of 2024 ...

Good evening dear friends... 
Hope all is well with you.. 
Happy New Year to each of you..
I as always am very slow getting to chat with you.. 
Christmas is over and the new year is here... 
The month of January half finished.. 
But here I am... 

We did not celebrate our family Christmas until New Years Day this time.. 
Our grandson who is studying out in Manitoba could not be here until then and also our oldest son was working.. 
It gave me another week to get ready which was wonderful as I came down with the shingles on Christmas Day.. 
But thank the Lord we were still able to have our day together.. 
Here are some pics... 

Above is the kitchen window and below are in our kitchen and family area...
The kids truly fill a room.. ❤❤

Everyone aways have so much fun and happy to see each other... 
We all really miss our youngest son, Dustin, though.. 
As you know he lives in Alberta... 
Wish it was closer.. xo

My birthday was in December and my dear man bought me a lovely nativity scene from the 60s... 
I love it and set it up in my lace cupboard.. 
The cupboard was bought by my Dad when I was only five and I was so happy when my Mom gave it to me.. 
The other shelves are full of lace and linens.. 
I also received this lovely Winterberry plant from sweet friends from Florida... 
and many other dear gifts from my children... 

The livingroom is trimmed and the kids are starting to gather when I remembered to take a few pics...

Do you notice one of our first visitors?  lol..

I was very happy with how this panel turned out.. 
Terry mounted it on a canvas frame and I sprayed with modge spray many times.. 
It feels just like a canvas.. 
Then we decorated it with lights and a garland I bought from Tosh in Prince Edward Island.. 
Her shop is in Charlottetown.. 
So lovely!

Dinner was very tasty.. 
Ham and turkey.. 
Aren't we all so blessed!
Opening gifts, yankee swap and coffee and dessert... 

Such a lovely day... 
Thank you Lord .... ❤❤

A few country scenes.. 
We don't have a lot of snow now but it was here... 😀

Did some baking and such.. 

Did much more but forgot to take pics.. 
not really with it lately... sorry... 
Actually, I am not really with it yet.. 
Still a bit under weather so please excuse this short post.. 
Just so wanted to connect with you all before it was Christmas 2025. 

Happy New Year from all of us Henry's

As the new year is here I begin my new year with a new note book.. 
Terry buys these for me from Staples ..
So nice with 750 pages... 
In the mornings when I get up I have my little rituals... 
Put the coffee on, do my devotions, light my candle or incense and start my lists... 

I know I have told you this before but anyway.. 
I always put on a cover from my British Country Living Magazine that  I like .. 

God bless you sweet readers and thank you so much for dropping by.. 
Face Book has informed me each day that you have been checking on my page to see if I posted. 
I am so sorry... will try to do better.. 

May God be near us all this year of 2025 and may we draw closer to
Him than we ever have been before..
We are so close to the coming of the Lord. 
This is an old song that I love... 

Redemption Draweth Nigh

Take care dear hearts and will be back soon.. 
with a new year post.. 
Hugs from New Brunswick..