Hello there dear hearts...
How are you all doing?
I hope you are having a good month..
February is called the heart month and is actually one of my favourite celebrations..
During the winter months it is a little brightness for our grey days..
I like planning our valentine supper and making heart crafts..
I painted hearts and modge podged and made some fudge.. smile..
Did a little decorating with it all..
I made the bunting last year, I believe and the cushion but they stay up for February..
It is hard to believe how fast this month has swept on by..
Our days are getting longer and we have had a couple of storms since I was on here last..
Nothing serious like some parts of our world..
My heart goes out to those in places that are not used to having our typical winter weather..
We have had a very good winter this year and we are thankful..

What have you all been busy doing?
A lot of you work outside of the home but I know that Winter brings out our nesting urges ..
Our daughter and daughter-in-law have been busy crocheting up a storm.. Market bags and big baskets.. I love them but crocheting a coffee cozy is about the height of my talents..
We all have our forte I guess...
I really enjoy my plants especially now..
Terry has seed catalogues all over the place but I can't get into that much for about another month..
I notice on Instagram that the southern girls are planting their seeds and I just can't go there yet..
We will no doubt have snow and cold for at least two more months so what is the rush..
I am just enjoying this down season..
With the winter as mild as it has been I am not thinking of hurrying Spring along at all..
We have had winters when we thought they would never end but this year has been grand..
Anyway enough about the Canadian weather..
Here are a few pics of some of my plants..
The Star of Bethlehem has a blossom as does the Goldfish plant..
As does my Pregnant Onion..
Isn't that a funny blossom..
It's stem is just so long and the blossom is a cone of small white star like blossoms..
Babies have fallen even into other pots.. smile..
These plants are here in the family room..
Some have such sweet memories for me..
The Snake plant above reminds me of my Dad..
He always had them and I remember begging for a piece of one shortly after I was married.. smile..
The Pregnant Onion was given to me as a tiny wee slip from one of the sweet ladies who worked at our Kings Landing Heritage Village.. They are so kind there..
Then the Star of Bethlehem was one of my Mom's favourites and I was so happy to get a slip from my friend for her..
The plant on the floor there is from my Aunt Leatha who I am named after.. I don't know what it is called though, do you?
Anyway.. enough about plants..
One chore I have been trying to accomplish is to go through things and try to declutter.. (As I am sure I mention every post) lol..
Lots of linens and lace ..
But very hard to part with.. smile..
Lots of old dishes...
I have parted with several boxes to the goodwill but really need to get rid of a few more..
I am trying.. grin..
And then...

There are things of my Mom's that need to be gone through and sorted..
Passing on a few trinkets and keeping some too..
It is funny the things that jerk at your heart strings when one is touching little items that must have meant something to her..
The little box cover above is one..
It was in her cedar chest along with several dear treasures but I couldn't part with this old cover..
Tattered and torn as it is.. smile..
My mother loved cats..
I have enjoyed cat crafts since I was little and think she passed it on to me..
I will make something with this but not sure what..
Just a wee thing to remember her by..
Not that I will ever forget her..
She is daily in my mind and heart..
And so... life goes on..
Then there is the winter cooking...

A new breakfast sandwich that I love..
Just one slice of bread that you cut in two..
I even use thin slices..
One thin slice of cheese.. (good cheddar)
And two small eggs or one extra large..
Here is the link on how to do it..

Terry's fave pasta..
Broccoli, Mushrooms and Lemon Pasta..
I posted about this before, I am sure..
I have my soups..
Terry loves Chili...
I like it once in a while..
So this time as usual I made a huge pot so I could freeze it..
Then looked on line and found several new ways of serving it..
Cuban Picadillo...
You just add lots of sliced olives and a handful of golden raisins to your chili and serve over rice..
I loved it but Terry had his bowl with cheese.. (wink)
We have our little trips to check on our old farm from time to time..
Our dear farmer plows out our lane so we can get in when we visit..
While Terry made a fire to warm it up for a bit and such I sat in the truck and worked on a bit of felting..
After awhile we headed on back home..
Had a small bowl of mac and cheese on our laps and watched a Little House on the Prairie show..
We love them.. Do you? smile..
I am reading as always.. smile..
And snacking...
Dried Honey Crisp apples..
So good..
And then we had Valentines Day..
And I made our special dinner..
Used my Marilla glasses as I call them from
Anne with an E...
I posted about them before..
Pomegranate juice, lemon slices, blackberries, pomegranate seeds and a star of anise..
Delicious and so pretty..
I forgot to take a pic of our main course.. Dahhh..
Oh yes..
And Terry gave me something he says he has been looking for the past fifty years ..
He is funny all right... grin..
This is a verse I found a long time ago..

Still love it and am sure I have posted it before..
It is sweet and most of the time true..
Marriage isn't always a bed of roses...
As any of you who have been on this road for very long know..
But each day for the last fifty years with the Lord's help we keep on and live through each season of marriage that we have ..
Right now we have been emptynesters for a long time..
Our grandsons are grown ...
We still live in this dear old house and every once in awhile we chat about what the next step will be..
Everyone is different..
A lot of our friends have downsized and are very happy with that.
As for us we are not ready..
Terry would go nuts without something to putter at and I do not want to leave my home..
Some day...
If the Lord tarries and we keep on as we are..
Right now there is no rush..
I saw this pic on the web somewhere ...
This is my take on it.. smile..
The sweet old couple were out for a stroll from their senior apartment..
They are walking by the house that they used to live in..
He is going right ahead just like Terry would do..
.. and she is looking back..
Remembering no doubt..
The days of babies and toddlers...
the teenagers and graduations and college..
the empty nest..
then the weddings and the births..
sweet visits from grandchildren and grown children...
all the meals and laundry days..
the laughter and the tears..
perhaps the losses...
prayers that were prayed inside those four walls..
names lifted up to the Lord..
the moving on...
Oh the years fairly flew by and they were lovely!
And they still are...
Regardless of what goes on in this world or the tests and trials we go through...
Life happens but it is how we deal with it that counts..
Putting the Lord first and to keep enduring..
Running the race...
Choosing joy and praying for love in our hearts ...
Well my sweet friends this is all..
It is from my heart on this heart month post..
A bit long but you can just scroll on by.. grin..
Leave me one of your dear notes though so I know you were here..
Here or on the Facebook or Instagram page..
Sending you a all a heartfelt hug..
Hi Faye....Its so nice to see a new post from you. You are right, we have had an easy winter this year so far, February is half over, time seems to be going by so fast I cant keep up. With covid, it's feels like it's been a long year, I'll be glad when we get back to some kind of normal again. I love Little House, I record it and the Waltons everyday, never grow tired of watching them over again. I always enjoy your pictures and stories about your trips go the farm, such a wonderful place you have there! I've already bought my seeds for the garden. Heard that people might be buying seeds early this year, with covid more people would be planting gardens maybe, so went ahead and got the seeds early just in case. Have a good week Faye, be safe
ReplyDeletelike you, my eyes are still not tired of looking at pretty dishes,fabrics and art----thanks for another heartfull posting!
ReplyDeleteTake care dear Faye ❤️
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post - as always. A perfectly lovely way to end a peaceful Sunday. I love that poem, by the way, and will be saving it for a rainy day. <3
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ReplyDeleteI do love your snow photos, Faye. It is 34C here today and being in the snow sounds just lovely 😊 I know people get tired of it though. Those tulips are a beautiful colour. I think your hubby is a keeper 😉
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post, Faye, and I like your take on marriage. I feel the same way. I always enjoy coming here to visit.
ReplyDeleteHello Faye;
ReplyDeleteSo nice to hear from you! I love your heart crafts, such a great idea to keep them out all month. I liked the shape of the bunny you were felting, I am excited for you to share the finished product with us.
I started some peppers and herbs yesterday, I feel worried that I should have started them a few weeks ago. We will see.
We tried out the snowshoes the library lends and enjoyed it so much that we each bought a pair at Costco. So much fun, even though I am not a snow and cold lover.
Thank you so much for posting;
Beautiful post Faye! They are never too long for me. I just love reading them. ❤️
ReplyDeleteBeautiful as usual~ Glad you are well and enjoying a mild winter. We need those on occasion in order to make it through the harsh ones:-) And. . . now I am hungry for soup, or chili, or hmmm - it all looks so tasty.
I so love your gentle posts... thank you ♥️🕯
ReplyDeleteThanks Faye, for the beautiful post. I always enjoy reading your blog and get inspired to make or bake something new to me. God bless.