Hello my friends...
Thank you for dropping by on this winter's day...
Here we are almost through January!
The days are getting longer and Spring is in view..
How are you making out in your part of the world?
Everywhere life seems to be in a chaotic state, eh?
But life here at home is lovely..
Retired life certainly has it's highlights even though there are downsides to everything... smile..
We can stay home and stay safe...

Neither one of us are ever bored...
So much to putter at and do..
We are having a wonderful winter as far as weather goes thus far..
Not too many storms and quite mild for us..
A lot of grey days of course...
A nice pan of something in the oven offers a cozy feel on a dark afternoon!

This recipe was given me way back in 1971 by my sweet neighbor and friend, Lorraine..
My mother made it quite famous! smile..
She served it on many occasions and my cousin even sold them in her bakery...
Down through the years the name was
changed to Betty's Date Squares..smile..
They really are the best I have tasted..
Just hope you can understand my recipe...
We do not eat a lot of sweets but it is so comfy to have a nice cup of tea after supper and a small sweet treat, occasionally..
As you know you who have followed the blog that one of our faves is this Zucchini Pie!
I have posted this a couple of times before but with our frozen zucchini from the fall it is a wonderful way to use it up..
Here is the recipe...
Zucchini Pie
2/3 cup of brown sugar
1/4 cup of butter
1 tsp. of vanilla
1 egg
1 cup flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. cloves
1 cup of grated zucchini
1/2 cup of nuts or raisins
Just cream the sugar, butter and vanilla.. Then add egg and mix well..
Sift in the flour, soda and spices and mix for a minute or so..
Add the zucchini and stir well..
Pour into a greased 9 inch pie pan..
Bake in a 350 degrees F. oven for 25 minutes.
Turn out onto a rack and cool..
Meanwhile stir up an icing for the top..
1 1/2 cups of icing sugar
3 T. butter
1/4 tsp. cloves
3-5 tsp. coffee cream or can milk.. (whole milk will do)
Whisk together and spread on
The icing really makes the pie here...
Another way I am using up frozen zuke is in spaghetti sauces and soups..
How do you use up your frozen zucchini?
We also go for a few winter country drives...

Albert County is certainly still one our go to places for drives..
I love taking a thermos full of hot tea and perhaps a sandwich or such ..
And just enjoy our lunch while we drive along..
Now with our area being more restricted it is important not to have to stop anywhere so taking a wee lunch helps us that way, too..
Staying home has it's appeal for sure, though...
Organizing and decluttering is taking place...
I am very slow at it as I try to sort through fifty years of life together..
We have collected way too much stuff..
But some of it is precious to me and is staying.. grin..
I am trying to get some written pieces of information pinned onto the really special items that I think my children may want to know..
Like this wee skirt on my old treadle sewing machine in our living room...
A wee wool skirt that belonged to my mother and was worn by her to her father's funeral when she was only five years old..
She told me her neighbour Mrs Brown made it for her.. smile..
Sprinkled with lavender ....
And then of course, I am crafting or creating something...
This was this week's wee project...
Using my mother's china cups to make tie backs for my curtains..

This only took five china cups and a roll of satin ribbon..
I will remember my Mom each time I see them..
She so loved her cup of tea...
I used to laugh when she would tell me she visited somewhere and they didn't even offer her a cup of tea... smile..
I used to tell her that they don't do that much anymore, Mom..
But she would be sure that was the first thing she would offer you when you visited...
This is a pillow I made her for one of her birthdays..
I think she was five in that picture and she always loved her cats...
I know that I am saying a bit about my mother but it will take a while for me to get used to her being gone from my life...
But never from my heart....
On with the post...
This is a project that I have been working on this month..
You girls will probably think is a bit whatever...
It is a modge podge craft..
I saw the neatest bags on Pinterest..
They were bags made out of old canvas paintings!
And are very expensive..
But there was something about them that I loved..
I thought that as I make my calendars from beautiful painting like- pages from my British Country Living magazines that perhaps I could do some gift bags..
With some bags from the grocers and such, lovely pages torn from my many British Country Living magazines and a bottle of modge podge I have created some unique (shall we say) gift bags.
I did buy a few narrow leather belts that I plan to use for handles but haven't got that done yet...
Kind of fun to do..
I love paper crafting...
Do you?
Then on some days I am trying to make a few changes..

Changing pics or using some old ones that I had stored from my shop...
This old sheep picture is very old...
But you know my love for sheep and I love it here in the kitchen...
And a bouquet of tulips always brighten up the winter kitchen, eh?
As does Winter cooking...
Soups, stews, meatballs and casseroles are so comforting on a cold winter's day...

Meatballs baking in the oven along with a turnip casserole create a wonderful scent and makes us look forward to suppertime..
Pickles and green beans that were put up in the fall gives us something to discuss..
What will we plant this year and what will we preserve... smile..
Leftover cooked ham put into a soup with orzo, spinach and carrots and such.. And Terry has to have his garlic bread.. smile..
Hamburger and Barley is lovely too...
Sometimes I will put a batch of muffins in the oven..

This recipe is made with yogurt..
I am doing a Winter Cooking Project this year..
I would like to get about six casserole recipes that are easy and delicious...
One that would make up quickly if you had someone drop by or wanted to deliver to a friend or neighbour..
Something different and new then what I have been making..
So far I only have two that I am happy with
but winter is not over yet.. smile..
Do you have a casserole go-to recipe?
A friend on Instagram shares a pic of her kitchen window..
It has fairy lights as they call them in England and she is blessed with a sweet cat..
Well, I don't have a cat.. I just wish I did but my sweet friend, Dawn gifted me with these curtain lights..
Terry took down the curtains and used safety pins to pin them on the other side..
Aren't they magical?
I just love them..
Another pic I saw had the white milk pitchers and old lamp and inspired me to do my version.. smile..
Terry had to gather them at the farm and pull them in a sled up the lane to the truck as the it had not been ploughed!
He had them all wrapped in paper so they wouldn't break..
Such a dear man... (well, most of the time) grin..
He also had gallons of spring water for us to drink here..
Our water is fine but nothing as tasty as the spring water from there..
Well dear hearts I am finally finished for another while..
What are you girls busy at on these wintery days?
I know a lot of you are still working outside of your homes during this critical time. And perhaps still raising families and looking after schooling and so much more..
There is a lot on your plates...
And we don't know what the future holds but we do know who holds our hands..
We know that no matter that He is in control and all will be well if we put our trust in Him..
I know you have challenging days and you must wonder what is going on...
I know I do...
I find such comfort in the Word..
And trusting in His promises...
Thank you again for dropping by and leaving your sweet comments here and on the Face Book page...
And for all the caring thoughts you sent me on my last post about my dear momma..
I so appreciate it..
God bless you all...
I am trying to do a more regular little Instagram blog thing if you have time..
It is called blessed hearth...
Thank you for sharing these lovely snippets of your life, and your lovely home.
ReplyDeleteThe tea cup tie-backs are such a sweet way to honour your mom. I smiled when I read about her love of tea. I, too, like to be offered a cup of tea when I visit somewhere, although admittedly most people don't do that these days, and so sometimes I just bring my own tea bag and my favourite mug. :)
Faye - you are such a dear heart and your home and putterings a "comfort" to read about. I love how you honored your sweet mamma with the tea cups. Thank you for your faithful sharing...
ReplyDeleteI just love reading your stories Faye. Seeing your beautiful crafts and delicious recipes. So homey and comforting.
ReplyDeleteyour posts are always a 'comfort'....thank you
ReplyDeleteYou talk about your mother all you want. We know how much you loved her and miss her. Mother's are special. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteHi Faye;
ReplyDeleteI am always so happy to see that you have posted! It is a pleasure to 'sit down with you.' I grew up on the prairies where it seemed that offering a cup of coffee to a visitor was just part of life. When we relocated to Atlantic Canada I missed that offer of friendship. I do understand what your mother meant when she said 'they never even offered a cup of tea.'
I like hearing about your days and the softness and sweetness of them. I especially loved Terry going out to the farm to bring back the white pottery by sled - you do give to each other. We know that men like projects! The pottery and fairy lights look so magical. We enjoy two strings of white acorn lights that I purchased at Sears in Moncton many long years ago that we hang in the kitchen window and over a room divider.
Your baking and cooking look so delicious. After 3 years of the vegan lifestyle I am still trying to find those comfort foods that the pictures you have posted evoke. I have a small list of repeats but I am always looking for more.
Thank you for posting;
It's a very English thing to offer a cup of tea, or morning coffee to a visitor. At the moment now we are on lockdown, we can't do that, no hospitality at all. It's sad.
ReplyDeleteYour date squares look delicious and I think I may try the recipe.
I enjoyed visiting here with you and feel like I just had a nice real warm visit with that cup of tea and your lovely date squares. I haven't had date squares in ages. I never see dates anymore or I guess I don't really look for them, but I always love those. Your other dishes look very hearty and delicious as well. I love the fairy lights...what at neat idea. And using your mother's teacups to tie back your curtains is a lovely idea and a special way to think of her every time you look at them. I know, my mother has been gone for almost 15 years, which I find very hard to believe...and I think of her so often. It seems the older I get the more I realize how much like her I am, when I never thought so when I was younger and probably would have fought anyone who said so! My mother was a strong woman with definite feelings and opinions about things, but she also had a softer side and taught me many things about the sweeter side of life as a woman. I am very thankful for the heritage she gave me. Thank you for this delightful and comforting post.
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy everything you share, especially the recipes :) The soups looked so good and the date square..now I'm hungry. It's summer here in New Zealand and we only have one case of covid in the community, but there are others in isolation. It's mostly non existent now here though, praise the Lord and doesn't affect as at all on a daily basis, other than we're meant to scan in when we go shopping. I don't know that it will ever be gone completely from the world with so many new strains (mutations) coming out all the time. It seems that the world will just never be the same again. I do still keep praying for a miracle and that one day it will no longer exist !! As for me I'm just keeping busy here in our little corner of the world, helping my husband weed our large garden, getting rid of blackberry..oh my...and trying to do as many things with our abundant plum crop as I can. Blessings to you ~ Linda (NZ)
ReplyDeleteLove the way you have used the tea cups as tiebacks, they are so pretty and a beautiful reminder of your dear Mum. Great date square recipe they look scrumptious. The first thing that we do on arrival of guests is to offer them a tea/coffee, a traditional British thing to do.
ReplyDeleteHello . It has been a while , seems things have been so quiet during these crazy times that blogging has slowed down for most . Lovely yummy post and photos as always , I am sorry to hear the passing of your mum she will always be with you in memories and in your heart . I am soo looking forward to the days we can spend with family again as hubs and I are to be first time grandparents so excited . Our winter has been cold but very little snow and now days are getting longer and spring will be upon us soon still so much to look forward to still . Hope all stay safe and well.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the tea cups as tie backs. I never would have thought of that! Sorting through memories is what I've been doing too after my mom's passing. It is bittersweet, isn't it? Love your post, as usual, Faye. You are always so productive!
ReplyDeleteLovely post as always Faye. I will be making some barley & Hamburg soup soon. Sounds delish. ❤️ Jacqueline
ReplyDeleteLovely post as always Faye. I will be making some barley & Hamburg soup soon. Sounds delish. ❤️ Jacqueline
ReplyDeleteLovely post as always Faye. I will be making some barley & Hamburg soup soon. Sounds delish. ❤️ Jacqueline
ReplyDeleter Friend, I look forward to your posts.